Brian D. Robinette is Associate Professor and Co-director of the Joint MA in Philosophy and Theology at Boston College. He taught at Saint Louis University (2003-2012). He obtained his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from the University of Notre Dame in 2003.

Brian’s research interests include Phenomenology; Hermeneutics; Mimetic Theory; Theological Aesthetics; Mystical Theology; Theologies of Creation.

He is the author of Grammars of Resurrection: A Christian Theology of Presence and Absence (New York: Crossroad/Herder, 2009) and a pivotal essay, “Deceit, Desire, and the Desert: René Girard’s Mimetic Theory in Conversation with Early Monastic Practice,” in Violence, Transformation, and The Sacred: “They shall be called Children of God” ed. Margaret Pfeil and Tobias L. Winright (Orbis Books, 2011).

Martin Laird, O.S.A is Professor of Theology at Villanova University. He has extensive training in contemplative disciplines and gives retreats throughout the United States and Great Britain.

Father Martin is the author of   A Sunlit Absence: Silence, Awareness, and Contemplation (2011), Gregory of Nyssa and the Grasp of Faith (2007)and Into the Silent Land (2006). All titles published by Oxford University Press. He is the editor, with Sheelah Treflé Hidden, of The Practice of the Presence of God: Theology as a Way of Life (Routledge,  2016).

He is also the subject of this PBS Documentary: